Carrot Seed Essential Oil is derived from the domesticated form of wild carrots, native to Europe and southwestern Asia. Its alluring properties have been recognized and cherished for centuries, earning it the endearing nickname "Queen Anne's Lace."
This vibrant root is renowned for its nourishing and wellness benefits, and has become a popular ingredient in personal care products due to its high levels of antioxidants and vitamin E. Its unique aroma, a harmonious blend of woody, earthy, and herbaceous notes, also makes it a staple in aromatherapy.
Carrot oil is great for evening out skin tone and doesn't clog pores. Great for growth and hydrating your hair and scalp to preventing hair loss and split ends. Carrot oil will leave your hair silky smooth and moisturized.
Blends With: Cypress, Geranium, Lavender, and Rosewood.
Botanical Name:
Daucus carota